
Responsible for offering reading material and historical data to the citizens of the city. This department consists of:

Director:  Reata Weyrich

Co-Librarians: Dale O'Dea

​                        Maleah Nudd

Phone #: (605) 269-2616

Planning & Zoning

Responsible for zoning and development of new and existing properties within the city. Current board consists of Irving Stone, Sara Fitzgerald, Randy Oviatt, Shane Garry & Tyler Hemmingson .  Meet every 4th Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM City Hall.

Public Works

Responsible for the major utilities and infrastructure of the city. Maintaining of parks & street repairs. This Department consists of:

Water/Wastewater Operators: D.J. Werlinger & Derek Daniels

City Departments

City of Whitewood

Water Services

- $100.00 Deposit required to set up an account

- due 18th of every month

$23.00 for water/2000 gallon minimum, $2.40/every 1000 gallons after minimum

$30.00 for sewer

$10.97 for garbage + .71  sales tax

Police Department

Responsible for the safety and emergency activities throughout the city. This department consists of:

Chief of Police: Paul Witcraft

Police Officers: Josh Bach, Kannesha Nept & Patrick Kaiser.

Phone #: (605) 269-2550

Phone #: (605) 578-2230 (Dispatch)

Finance Office

Responsible for the financial operations of the city. This Department consists of:

Finance Officer: Cory Heckenlaible

City Attorney: Sara Frankenstein

Phone #: (605) 269-2247

Fax #: (605) 269-2499

Hale Hall Board

Our Community Hall which has been newly remodeled and is available to rent to residents of Whitewood and its surrounding communities. Daily Rental Rate is $100.00 with a security deposit of $250.00.

For inquiries, please contact City Hall @ 269 - 2247.

In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, and familial status.  (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)  To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDO).
Mayor & Council

Mayor: Mitch Harmon  605-639-5699                                        

Ward I: Bruce White  303-522-7086

             Randy Wiege    605-645-7165                

Ward II: Roxie Cooper  605-722-2103

              Monica Burke  605-645-1993

Ward III: Brenda Werlinger  605-580-6964

               Jerry Davidson  605-645-7017

Building Inspector

Responsible for enforcing current building codes laws as well as zoning of new and existing properties in Whitewood.  

Building Inspectors: Jim Smit & Jeff Rathbun

Phone #: (605) 639-9146